Municipal Alliance

Cedar Grove Municipal Alliance Committee (CGMAC)

Our Mission

Creating a network of community leaders, private citizens and representatives from public and private human service agencies. Who are dedicated to a comprehensive and coordinated effort to promote and support drug and alcohol prevention and education programs and related activities with an emphasis on youth.

Our Purpose

It is the purpose of this chapter to establish a means for the Township of Cedar Grove to actively participate in the state’s efforts against alcoholism and drug abuse by;

  • Organizing and coordinating efforts involving schools, law enforcement, business groups and other community organizations for the purpose of reducing alcoholism and drug abuse.
  • In cooperation with local schools, developing comprehensive and effective alcoholism and drug abuse education programs.
  • Developing comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education, support and outreach efforts for parents in the community.
  • Developing comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse community awareness programs.


The Municipal Alliance meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00pm in the conference room located on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Building. These meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in joining CGMAC, please email,

Current Programs

Safe Home Pledge

Safe Home Pledge Directory

Social Media – Follow Us



Chair – Mike Grabas
Donna DeFabiis – BOE Representative
Anthony Freitas
Detective Joseph Johnson
Joseph Maceri – Town Council Liaison 
Krish Patel – Student Liaison
Nora Poli
Sarah Pomerantz
Charlie Roussel
Amy Tufaro
Program Coordinator – Marisa Landolfi-Jefferson

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