Cedar Grove Recreation exists to strengthen the community through programs, leisure opportunities, services and facilities which enhance personal development, promote healthy lifestyle and encourage community involvement.
Online Registration
Cedar Grove Recreation Instagram
Background Check Application for Volunteer Coaches
CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment. Background checks are needed for ANYONE who coaches, serves on a board for a youth sports organization or helps with the youth programs in any capacity.
To view Township Ordinance in coordination with Background Checks CLICK HERE
STEP 1: Make your appointment at designated IdentoGO location. You will need to enter a Service Code to get started, 2F1J3Y. Applicants will also need the Unique Volunteer Registration Number (VRN) which is, G12001.
STEP 2: Submit your receipt to the Recreation Department once you have gone for a background check to be reimbursed.
STEP 3: You are not able to coach/serve until the head of your organization has been given the OK by the Recreation Department and an ID card has been issued.
Coaches Code of Conduct for Volunteer Coaches
External Links
(parent organizations, not run through the Recreation Department)
- Jr. Football & Cheer – https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/cedargrovejrfootball
- Jr. Baseball & Softball League – www.cgjbsl.com; Click HERE for registration; Contact here, registrar@cgjbsl.com
- Jr. Lacrosse – http://cedargrovelacrosse.org/; Contact here, cedargrovelax@gmail.com