Safe Homes Pledge

What is “Safe Homes”?

Safe Homes Parents Network is a national effort to develop a community-wide coalition of parents and other adults who are committed to addressing the issue of underage drinking/drugs in our community.

The Cedar Grove Safe Homes Network is a pledge-based program for parents/guardians of youth in grades 5 through 12. There is no cost for membership.

Safe Homes provides parents/guardians an opportunity to unite and communicate. When you sign the Safe Homes Pledge, you let Cedar Grove youth and other parents/guardians know that underage drinking/drug use is not acceptable in your home. Parents/guardians can use the Safe Homes Directory as a reference to communicate with each other, for example when their children are visiting other homes. If you don’t allow drinking/drug use in your home, you should know that you are not alone!

The Pledge States:

  • I will not serve nor will I knowingly allow anyone under the legal drinking age to consume alcohol in my home or on my property.
  • I will not knowingly allow parties or gatherings in my home without proper, responsible adult supervision.
  • I will communicate with other parents, and I welcome calls or emails to “check-up” when youth may be visiting my home.

Two Important Facts!

Signing the Safe Homes Pledge is NOT a substitute for calling in advance to verify that an activity will be free from alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Never be hesitant to call the adult in charge.

The Safe Homes Pledge is NOT a legally binding contract, but rather a pledge agreement by all parents involved.

Take the Pledge!

Download the form below and complete the pledge separately for each of your children in grades 5-12. (After you complete the pledge, you’ll be prompted to return to the form for additional  children, if necessary.)

Rescheduled Dec 2023 MAC Meeting Legal NoticePDF
MAC reschedule 10-2022PDF
MAC 9-15-22PDF
CGMAC Safe Home Pledge DirectoryUpdated 8-7-20PDF
CGMAC Safe Home PledgeTake the pledge!PDF
Beautiful BoyPDFMissing Attachment

Safe Homes Pledge Directory

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