Community Services

Medical Transport Program

Medical transportation available Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. through the Verona Health Department

Transportation is available to Physicians, Dentists, Physio-therapy, medical appointments in the West Essex area including Mountainside and St. Barnabas Hospital. There is a fee of $7.00 per ride. There is a maximum distance served, so please call for details.

For appointment call Verona directly at 973-857-4800 (between 10 a.m. and 12 noon). For best availability please call at least 10 days before your appointment.

The program is sponsored by the Verona Lions Club in cooperation with the Township of Verona and supported by the Cedar Grove Lions Club and the Township of Cedar Grove.

Cedar Grove Senior Bus Service

Serving Senior Citizens or Those with Disabilities:

Weekday Location(s)
Monday No Bus
Tuesday Rt 46 Farmers Market & Little Falls Shoprite
Every Other Wednesday Willowbrook Mall & Kohl’s
Thursday Foodtown, Kings, CVS & In-Town Banking
Friday No Bus
  • Pick Up: 9:15am
  • Drop Off: 11:30am to 12:00pm (may vary)
  • Interested parties need to call (973) 239-1410 ext 0 between 8:30am and 9:00am on the morning they need to ride, leaving their name and address.
  • We have the ability to handle (1) one wheelchair at a time. All other riders must be able to walk unaided unless assisted by an aid. Health aides are welcome.
  • This is curb to curb service. This schedule is subject to change if ridership does not reflect appropriate need.
  • Contact Dee Riou at (973) 239-1410 ext 224 or email:

Helpful Links

Essex County IDs:

211 Non-Emergency Helpline

Welfare/Food Stamp Information

Nixle Alert