Cedar Grove Leaf Collection Program
Fall: October 21 thru December 2
The program includes a paper leaf bag collection service every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (recycling days). Leaf bags must contain leaves only – no grass, branches, stones, debris, etc. If so, they will not be picked up. Loose leaves must also be raked to the curb and piled in gutter for collection by the Public Works leaf vacuum.
Only biodegradable paper leaf bags will be accepted. Leaves placed in plastic bags will not be collected. Paper bags may be purchased at a cost of $0.50 per bag or bundles of 5 bags for $2.50, 10 bags for $5.00 or 60 bags for $30.00 at the Department of Public Works Yard located at 340 Little Falls Road from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Monday thru Friday, except holidays.
Biodegradable paper leaf bags must be placed at the curb of any public road the night before your scheduled pick- up day. Bags will be picked up according to zone each week during the leaf collection period, and follows the recycling schedule. Zone 1 will be picked up on Monday, Zone 2 picked up on Tuesdays and Zone 3 picked up on Wednesdays.
Residents may rake leaves to the curb and pile them along Municipal Road Ways for collection by Municipality’s Leaf Vacuum and Loader. The collection schedule provides for the collection of leaves piled at the curb line using an approximate 7-14 day cycle, depending upon the volume of leaves on individual streets, weather conditions and equipment maintenance.
Piles of leaves must not be placed in the roadway in such a manner as to cause pedestrian or vehicular safety hazards. Leaves must not be placed in the roadway through the use of air blowers or other mechanical equipment.
Leaf piles must not include debris such as branches, stones, wood, trash, etc. which may damage the town’s collection equipment. Also, leaves must not be piled near or upon drainage catch basins, around fire hydrants or within 10 feet of street intersections. Residents are cautioned not to park a vehicle over leaf piles.
Leaves collected by the municipality are transported to a leaf transfer site where the leaves are stockpiled and transported to an approved leaf composting facility.
Spring: Check Back for Spring 2025 Dates
The program consists of a paper leaf bag collection service every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (recycling days). Only biodegradable paper leaf bags will be accepted. Leaves placed in plastic bags will not be collected, no curbside pickup is available and residents cannot rake leaves into the street.
Residents may purchase biodegradable paper leaf bags from the Municipality at the Department of Public Works Yard located at 340 Little Falls Road from 9:00a.m. to 3:30p.m. Monday thru Friday, except holidays.
Biodegradable paper leaf bags must be placed at the curb of any public road the night before your scheduled pick-up day, bags cannot be placed in garbage cans or barrels. Bags will be picked up according to zone each week during the leaf collection period, and follows the recycling schedule. Zone 1 will be picked up on Monday, Zone 2 picked up on Tuesdays and Zone 3 picked up on Wednesdays.
Leaves collected by the municipality are transported to a leaf transfer site where the leaves are stockpiled and transported to an approved leaf composting facility.