Road Department

Snow Plowing

The Road Department spreads salt and snowplows the Township’s public roadways during winter storms. Please help with our snow removal program by:

  • Keep vehicles off of Township roadways during snow storms.
  • Do not clear snow off of your cars in the street.
  • Do not snow blow or shovel your driveways and sidewalks into the streets.
  • Direct your snow plowing contractors to clear any windrows left in the streets after plowing your driveway.
  • Your cooperation will be most appreciated and will help keep our roadways safer during these periods.


The Road Department repairs potholes on a biweekly basis, weather permitting. To report a pothole please call the DPW office at extension 281.

Leaf Program

Fall & Spring: Every year the Township collects residents’ leaves during our Fall and Spring leaf collection programs. Several times during the season the collected leaves are removed from the leaf dump by an outside contractor and deposited in a compost facility for beneficial reuse.

The Fall Leaf Program generally starts in the middle of October and continues until the middle of December. During the Fall Leaf Collection Program residents are allowed to rake leaves to the curbline in front of their homes and the DPW personnel collect the leaves utilizing a leaf vacuum. Generally it takes approximately three (3) weeks to complete a cycle throughout the Township. During the Fall Leaf Program residents are also allowed to place their leaves in biodegradable paper leaf bags. Leaf bags are picked up by DPW personnel and must be placed at the curb before 8:00 a.m. on your normal recycling day, Monday through Wednesday.

The Spring Leaf Collection Program generally starts in the beginning of April and continues for four weeks. During the Spring Leaf Collection Program leaves must be bagged and placed at the curb for pickup on your regularly scheduled recycling day. Leaves cannot be raked into the street Leaves raked into the street will not be picked up and homeowners will be subject to fines for placing debris in the roadways.
Leaf bags can be purchased at most home and garden centers or at the Township DPW yard. Cost for the bags from the Township are $0.25 each or 50 bags for $12.00. Residents are reminded that leaves, whether in bags or raked to the curb, must be free of debris such as branches, rocks, or other miscellaneous waste which will damage the collection equipment, create a hazardous condition for workers and prevent the effective composting of the leaves.

For further information, please visit the Leaf Collection page.

Nixle Alert