Recycle Coach
The Recycle Coach App will give you information and reminders for all your Garbage/Recycling. Click the Recycle Coach logo to go to instruction page.
For the list of Special Recycling days (ex. hazardous waste, tires, electronics) run by Essex County- CLICK HERE
Garbage Guidelines
- There is a 10 bag limit per household. No household clean-outs!
- No televisions are allowed in the solid waste stream in accordance with New Jersey State Law.
- The following items must be source separated and disposed of at the residents expense: Construction Debris, Concrete Material, Demolition Material, Hazardous Material, Industrial Byproduct and Roofing Material.
2024-25 Recycling and Garbage Collection Calendar and Guide : CLICK HERE
Recycling Guidelines
- As per New Jersey State Law and Chapter 146 of the Code of the Township of Cedar Grove, recycling is MANDATORY for all residents and businesses.
- It is the responsibility of the resident to recycle according to the listed guidelines.
- Recyclables are to be placed in the correct container and at curbside the evening before the day of collection.
- You can help avoid missed pickups by not placing your recyclables next to trees, telephone poles, parked cars or other obstructions and by having the material at the curb for collection at the proper times and in the proper recycling containers.
- Recyclables may not be placed in plastic bags.
- Recyclables may not be placed in the street.
2024-25 Recycling and Garbage Collection Calendar and Guide : CLICK HERE
Bulk Pick-Up Information
Must Email or call 973-239-1410 ext 314. When emailing or leaving a phone message, please leave the following information; Name, Address where items are to be picked up, Phone number and a List of Items for bulk pick-up.
- NO construction debris
- NO renovation material
- NO windows
- Must remove doors from refrigerators
- NO paint or hazardous items
- NO fuel in any equipment
- NO electronics
- NO microwaves
- 10 item limit
- 50 lb. weight limit TOTAL
- Must submit request by 11:00am on Tuesdays
Specific Instruction for Medical Waste
Medical radioactive waste includes waste generated by nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, and PET.
This waste includes contaminated materials and syringes generated from Nuclear Medicine procedures.
- Radioactive waste must be segregated from other waste materials in clearly marked and sealed containers.
- When practical, minimize the amount of radioactive waste generated by surveying items before putting them into waste.
- All needles should be placed into a sealed container for disposal. These containers should be closed securely.
Important Notes
Tire Disposal
Drop off your old tires without rims at the DPW office. Cost per tire is $2.00 for car and most light truck tires and $10.00 for larger truck tires. Tires mounted on rims are not accepted.
Leaf Bag Sales
Biodegradable leaf bags are available at the DPW office all year. Cost is $0.25 per bag, $1.25 for 5 bags or 60 bags for $15.00.
Disposal of Tree Branches
Tree branches must be cut in four foot lengths and tied in bundles fifty pounds or less for collection on your vegetative waste/recycling collection day.
Christmas Tree Recycling
After Christmas the Parks Department picks up the discarded Christmas trees throughout the Township. The Christmas tree pickup starts immediately after January 1 and continues for approximately four weeks. The trees should be placed at the curb before 8:00 a.m. on your recycling day for pickup. Trees in plastic bags will not be picked up.
Special Bulk Pick-Up
To arrange a special bulk pick-up, residents must call our automated line (973)239-1410 Ext. 240 no later than 11:00 am on the Tuesday before the Wednesday morning pick-up. Please leave your name, address, phone # and what you need picked up.
Bulk items include refrigerators, ovens, ranges washing machines, dryers, hot water heaters, lawn mowers, spreaders, air conditioners, bicycles, snow blowers, baby carriages, metal furniture, iron railings, metal cabinets and scrap metal.
Household furnishings include bathtubs, sinks, toilets, mattresses, box springs, kitchen cabinets, upholstered furniture, rugs, scrap wood, doors, window frames.
Metal items including pipes must be cut to 4 feet in length.
Construction debris, concrete material, demolition material, hazardous materials: Industrial by-products and roofing materials must be source-separated and disposed of at he resident’s expense
Please note that there is NO curbside collection of televisions. Televisions must now be recycled at the appropriate facilities with the County. CLICK HERE for upcoming dates.
Garbage/Recycling Documents
Document | Summary | Type | Link | |
2024-2025 Recycling Guide |