Office Hours
Monday thru Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Tax Bills
Tax bills are mailed twice a year. Around June an “estimated” tax bill is mailed for the August 1st tax quarter. Once the final tax rate is certified by the Essex County Board of Taxation, a final tax bill for the November 1st tax quarter and the preliminary tax bills for the first and second tax quarters due February 1st and May 1st of the following year are mailed in September.
If the tax office has a mortgage company on your account, an original bill will be forwarded to the mortgage company and a copy marked “NOT A BILL – FOR ADVICE ONLY” will be sent to the taxpayer.
If you receive a tax bill that states “NOT A BILL – FOR ADVICE ONLY”, and you pay your own taxes, please use the advice only bill to make payment and notify the tax office to remove the mortgage company from your account.
Added Assessment Bills: If improvements are made to your property, it may generate an “Added Assessment” bill in October after the regular bill has been mailed. This bill is IN ADDITION to the regular tax bill and is due November 1st, February 1st and May 1st. It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to find out whether their mortgage company will pay or if the taxpayer must submit payment.
Failure to Receive a Tax Bill
NJSA 54:4-64 states that failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax due. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ascertain from the Tax Collector the amount of taxes due. If you have recently purchased the property or lost your tax bill, please call the Tax Collector’s Office to obtain the amount of taxes due or to request a copy of your tax bill.
Property tax bills are due and payable on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st. There is a 10-day grace period. Payment must be received by 4:30 pm on the 10th of the month that taxes are due. If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday when the Township is closed, the grace period is extended to the next business day. If payment is received after the grace period interest accrues back to the due date of the 1st of the month.
Late Payments – NJSA 54:4-67 states that if payment is not received by the end of business hours on the 10th day of the grace period, interest is to be charged.
The interest rate is 8% per annum on the first $1,500 of delinquency; 18% on balances in excess of $1,500. The 18% interest rate remains in place until taxes are brought current. Interest is charged from the 1st of the month that payment is due, or the date of last payment. If the total balance (tax and interest) exceeds $10,000 on December 31st, a 6% penalty shall be added to the amount due.
NJ Statutes do not permit the waiver or cancellation of any interest charge.
Postmarks and postdated checks are not accepted.
Payments may be made by check, cash, money orders, or online.
- Checks and money orders are to be made payable to the “Township of Cedar Grove”. Separate checks are required for Tax and Water/Sewer payments.
- Exact change is appreciated if paying in person with cash.
- Pay online HERE.
Note: if you are using your banks “online bill pay”, the bank will mail a physical check to the Township. Please allow ample delivery time to avoid interest charges as an online payment through your bank’s portal does not necessarily mean a prompt payment should the physical check arrive late.
**Fees are charged by the service provider and are neither paid to nor shared with the Township of Cedar Grove.
There is an after-hours drop box located in the lobby across from the police desk. No cash in the drop box.
There is a $20.00 charge for “Non-Sufficient Funds” (NSF) returned checks.
Remittances requiring a receipt must be accompanies by the entire tax bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Otherwise, detach the appropriate tax stub and mail with your check. The cancelled check will be your receipt.
Tax Sale
NJ Property Tax Relief Programs
Information on NJ Property Tax Relief Programs can be obtained at:
Pilot Program
The Township is giving the Cedar Grove Board of Education $1.2 million dollars annually from PILOT funds. We put together a FAQ document that answers the following questions CLICK HERE TO VIEW DOCUMENT;
- What is a PILOT Program?
- What has the Township decided?
- How much money is the Township providing to the district and where is this money coming from?
- How did the Township determine that $1.2 million is the appropriate amount to give to the Board of Education?
- Why did the Township choose to use Budgetary Per Pupil Cost in determining the funds it will provide?
- Will the money provided to the District be enough?
- Why is the Township providing these funds if it is not required to do so?
- CLICK HERE to pay your PILOT bill online.
The Tax Collector is also responsible for the billing and collection of Water/Sewer bills. Water/Sewer is billed quarterly. Bills are based on water usage between reading dates.
- The water billing rate is $6.22 per 1,000 gallons, with a quarterly minimum bill of $31.11. (minimum based on 5,000 gallons of usage)
- The sewer billing rate is $5.83 per 1,000 gallons, with a quarterly minimum bill of $96.20. (minimum based on 16,500 gallons of usage)
- Interest on water/sewer bills accrue same as interest accrual for uncollected taxes. 8% first $1,500 in delinquency, 18% over $1,500.
- CLICK HERE to pay your water & sewer bill online.
If you are moving, a final water meter reading is required as of your closing date. To schedule a final reading, call the billing office, 973-239-1410 x212 or x214, at least 48 hours in advance of the closing date.